Interview with the Authors: Train Like A Mother

We knew that our friends over at Another Mother Runner had another book due out soon. So, we sat down to talk to them and get their perspective on running, writing and being an active parent! We hope you at 411Fit find some useful pieces of information in their advice and their story.

Want to win a book? We are giving away a copy to one lucky 411Fit winner! Just click the share button on our FB page, or RT on Twitter and we’ll pick a name at random! Check back on FB & Twitter for the lucky winner’s name! You have 48 hours – so share, share, share!

Your second book, Train like a Mother, is due out in March. What is the #1 training tip you can offer to Mom’s out there getting into running?
Commit to a race. When you plunk down your plastic and commit to a goal, it makes getting up in the early mornings—or hitting the treadmill after the kids are asleep—significantly easier. (Notice I didn’t say easy: running isn’t easy—and that’s why the emotional + physical payback is so huge.) And by a race, please know I don’t mean something with the word “marathon” in it. We’re big believers in working your way up the race distance ladder; starting with a 5K, and then moving to 10K, and half-marathon and marathon, if you want.  If you’re an experienced runner, maybe focus on getting a PR in a 5K or 10K. Really racing a shorter distance—pushing yourself as hard as you can—can be much more challenging—and fulfilling—than simply covering the distance of a longer race.

What inspired you to write your books?
Sarah Bowen Shea, my co-author, and I ran the 2007 Nike Women’s Marathon together. We blogged about it and wrote a feature about it for Runner’s World. As we trained, we found this amazing community of running moms that hadn’t really been solidified yet. We wanted to write a book that spoke to them and addressed the many reasons why we run. While the time on the clock is important, so are the emotional and spiritual components of running: time with girlfriends, the confidence and strength it brings to our lives.

When did you start running and what motivated you to do so?
I was a reluctant runner. I mostly started as cross training for rowing—Sarah did the same—and when I moved to New York City, I was broke and had no extra money for a gym fee. But I did live near Central Park, so that became my gym. I watched the NYC Marathon—the first time I’d ever seen a marathon in my life—and couldn’t believe how many different shapes and sizes and paces I saw. One of those ‘if they can do it, so can I‘ moments. Once I became a regular runner, I realized how important the sweat and endorphin rush was for my mental wellbeing. Twenty years into being a runner, it still is.

As a mother, how do you make the time to run?
Wake up early: I’m usually running by 5:30. It’s painful many mornings to get out of bed, but if I don’t go, I usually can find a zillion excuses—some real, some made-up—for not going later in the day. I applaud women who can run after a long day with kids and work, but I’m not that person.

We know that consistency is key. What do you do on days when you just don’t feel like running?
Four words: Don’t think, just go. Honestly, it gets me out of bed nearly every time when I do that. Don’t dwell on it, just put your shoes on and get out the door before you find an excuse. Another strategy I use when I’m lying in bed: I see myself towards the end of my run, when I’ve got 5-10 minutes left and I’m so glad I got up. Wanting that feeling is usually enough to get me moving.

What would you say to Mom’s out there who want to get into running, but just don’t see themselves as a “runner” yet?
Honestly, we think that anybody who gets out there regularly to propel themselves forward faster than a walk is a runner.

Picture c/o: Nicole Morganthau

How can people find you online? In stores?
Our FB page:
Twitter: @dimityontherun and @sbsontherun
iTunes podcast:
We are also on Amazon: Run Like a Mother and Train Like a Mother.

Can people run with you?
If they want to get up at 5:30 a.m. Kidding, but they can definitely meet us at a bunch of race expos and we’ll happily listen to details of their most recent runs. Here’s a list of where we’ll be this year.

Want to win a book? We are giving away a copy to one lucky 411Fit winner! Just click the share button on our FB page, or RT on Twitter and we’ll pick a name at random! Check back on FB & Twitter for the lucky winner’s name! You have 48 hours – so share, share, share!

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